Der US-amerikanische Singer-Songwriter CALEB NICOLS (u.a. Port O’Brien, Grand Lake, Soft People) veröffentlicht mit dem zwischen eindringlichem Power Pop und dynamischem Indie-Rock pendelnden „Demon Twink“ die erste Single aus dem am 13.10.23 via Kill Rockstars erscheinenden neuen Album Let’s Look Back“.
Im Gegensatz zu dem von Kritikern hochgelobten 2022er-Album „Ramon“ („a critically acclaimed queer Beatles rock opera“) zeichnet sich das neue Album nunmehr eher durch eine sich über elf Songs erstreckende smarte Straightness aus.
„While Demon Twink sounds like a really personal song about a toxic relationship, it’s really just a bit of a joke. I wrote it after reading the unfolding „Demon Twink“ drama on twitter back in 2021. I just thought it would be interesting to imagine dating the infamous Demon Twink: the twink who crashed Brittany Spears‘ birthday party on a boat in the Hudson River and caused all sorts of mayhem. I mean, someone has to love this person, right? I imagined it would be difficult to be in a relationship with such a twink and that perhaps the result would simply be a lifetime of pain and abuse? Wouldn’t the Demon Twink want revenge if you decided to leave? Would a person even be able to survive such a situation? A short thought experiment resulting in a fun little power-pop jam. ”
„We wanted to make a lyrics video that would bring to life the textured, medieval collage pieces that we’ve used as album art for “Let’s Look Back” and for our last pair of EPs (Chan Says and She Is Not Your Shadow),”Nichols explains. „Aaron Kroeger, our director and also live drummer, animated and colorized the art in a lovely, clever way. The giant black blob I’m standing is a key symbol for this cycle of songs, and it’s fun and sort of gross to watch it drip! I don’t want to say much about the black blob, but perhaps it’s representative of either a sort of temporality which is always lurking beneath the surface of things? Maybe the blob is a representation of the unified field, where all thoughts and ideas spring from? Maybe these are the same thing? I have been watching a lot of Twin Peaks, so I guess my mind is stuck in the black lodge.“
Upcoming tour dates
11 August — London, Cavendish Arms
20 August — Birkenhead, Birkenhead Arts Palace
25 August — Belfast, The American Bar
26 August — Glasgow, Ushi’s (Weekender)
27 August — Glasgow, Ushi’s (Weekender)
28 August — Edinburgh, Typewronger
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