Track-By-Track zum neuen Album der britischen Indieband…
Dieser Tage erscheint das zweite Album von LANTERNS ON THE LAKE. Hier sind exklusive Kommentare von Gitarrist PAUL GREGORY zu sieben der neun Songs von Until The Colours Run – im Original aufgezeichnet im Backstage-Bereich des Berliner Comet-Clubs – und hier gänzlich ungebügelt wiedergegeben…
PG: This song is written one year before we recorded it. I think it was still on new years day – so new years day 2013. Hazel, our main singer sat down and learned how to play the piano in like a month or so. I have never seen anything like that before – and then, while she was learning how to play, this song like kinda popped out. All these chorus kinda popped out and then we did like a demo of this song and when we first made it, it didn’t sound like it is on the record now – it was really different. It was slow and quite relaxed – but then Hazel kinda built the song up and wrote the incredible words. Then later, when we got into the rehearsal room and played it as a band for the first time, it went from this first really quit song to this quite big ridiculous thing that it became – and now every time we play it, it starts to sound different. It’s more or less like a live take that song – its been changing every time and that’s quite interesting. Ya, that’s basically everything about our song ‘Elodie.’
PG: The Buffalo Days – Wow, that is even older. This song is something i’ve been messing around with. I’ve been listening to ‘The National’ a lot and i wanted to write a song that had like lots of calls in it. Just for fun really.. So i ended up coming with a really silly verse part – and it kinda remained as a demo for about a year. And then, when we started writing the album we just decided to try it in the rehearsal room. It’s also pretty much a live take from the new album. We just went and did it – it’s one of these songs, you know.. Only after we recorded it and heard it finished for the first time, we just thought *wow, this is actually pretty good!
PG: It’s the same with ‘The Ghost That Sleeps In Me’ – that could be taken in lots of different ways, but i think to that time there was a lot of talk about the music industry, small bands and what the future about the music industry was gonna be like and i never asked her but i think, there is a lot in that song where she talkes about that kind of things. When she sings ‘were a dying breed’ and all that kind of stuff…
PG: At that time, we felt that it was the biggest sounding song that we’ve written – that’s why it is the main title that represents the album. It’s quite a happy song – not the words, but the music is so powerful. We haven’t explored a lot of music like that it’s new for us – a lot of our music in the past was very melancholic.. And when we listened to this it was just different and almost like a dancing song. Tonight we will play a mix of both albums but mainly the new ones.
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PG: The ‘Picture Show’ will be the fist song we’ll be playing tonight. That is a song that we’ve wrote in our rehearsal room. We kinda built it up – it really sounds like an old early 20th century song. I don’t know why but it really reminds me of the early days with black and white films… So i thinks when we recorded it, we had that in mind – that we wanted it to sound like it was recorded a hundred years ago. The music is quite different though. It’s just the feelings and the emotions you feel when you hear it.
PG: So Hazel, our main singer writes all the lyrics. We don’t really ask her what their about, she doesn’t tell us so they’re quite personal to her. A lot of the lyrics on this album – when we first heard them we were quite surprised. The opening line of ANOTHER TALE FROM ANOTHER ENGLISH TOWN – it has got this beautiful, powerful start- and ya, the stuff that she is writing about, even though we didn’t get involved in it, when we’re hearing the lyrics, a lot of it seemed to be quite fitting in what was going on around us to that time…
PG: That was first called ‘The Telephone Song’ for a long time. I can’t remember why, let me think… Oh, no i know why… That was something i wrote in my house on my guitar. I was just playing and monkeying around and suddenly – i thought it sounded pretty nice so i got my Iphone and started recording and fixing it… So this was called ‘Telephone Song’ because it was on my telephone for month. But ‘The Telephone Song’ is a crappy name so we named it ‘The Cool Decay.’ Hazel wrote the lyrics for this and ‘The Cool Decay’ was a line in it – so we called it that way.
Until The Colours Run
(Pias Coop / Bella Union (rough trade)
VÖ: 04.10.2013
Autor: Tamara Becker mit [ von der Website]Friedrich Reip[/EMAIL]