Im Dezember letzten Jahres erschien Floating Forever – die zweite EP der Schwedinnen TAXI TAXI. Erst kürzlich stellten sich die Indiepop-Band bei der Veranstaltungsreihe „Die Neuen Schweden“ dem Berliner Publikum vor. Exklusiv für Popmonitor haben die Schwestern JOHANNA und MIRIAM E. TEWOLDE BERHAN ihre vier Songs nun kommentiert…
This song and “Beet Root” is two different chapters from the same story. „Going Out For the Light“ is about loving someone who’s empty inside. This person flatteres you and want to have more of you, and you give of yourself but get nothing back since he has nothing to give. At last you’ve been robbed on everything that was beautiful about you. When you escape the relationship, you are the one who’s empty. It’s a story about a love vampire, I guess.
You feel the need to let go, but you know you will lose everything and have nothing. Imagine the time after „Floating Forever“, as war in vacuum with yourself. Am I bombastic enough?
BEET ROOT (Johanna)
If “Going Out For the Light”is a story about being afraid of your lover, “Beet root” is about feeling sorry for this poor dude. I think anyone who’s been in a destructive relationship can relate to this urge for taking care of the one who’s hurting you. The song is also about realizing you have to let go, despite the deep sorrow you feel about how a child could grow up to become such a fucked up human being, with a beet instead of a heart.
Sorrow to have lost a friend that you’ve only dreamed about. You miss the fun you saw coming but which you never got.
Floating Forever
(Delicious Demon Records)
VÖ: 03.12.2014