Dieser Tage erschien Rift, das wunderschöne neue Album des Duos HUGAR aus dem isländischen Seltjarnarnes. Gekrönt wird es einem mystisch anmutenden Cover-Artwork, über das die beiden Musiker uns exklusiv Folgendes erzählt haben.
In Iceland there is this rift that runs through the whole island. We were thinking a lot about this void that appears and how it creates a ground for new ideas and new beginnings. This powerful force literally ripping the land apart, and new life appearing in the space that’s created.
PÉTUR JÓNSS ergänzt:
We wanted to translate that scenario onto the times we are living today, these temporal shifts and upheaval in our world and ask: What happens? There must be something new that grows from them. So, in a way is the rift a source of creativity, and a life-giving force. These themes are reflected in the album artwork. The artwork consists of photographs by my (Pétur Jónsson) Great Grandfather, Ágúst Jónsson of rocks found in the nature of Iceland. They look just like regular rocks at first glance but cut them in half and there’s this new dimension, new shapes. You pull them apart and find something totally different and unexpected. That’s very symbolic of this whole project.
(XXIM / Sony)
VÖ: 21.01.2022