Donnerstag 16.05.2024
+ Special Guests:
Einlass: 19.00 Uhr
Beginn: 20.00 Uhr
Tickets im Vorverkauf:
Koka36 (Online-Ticket)
Abendkasse: 18,00 Euro
Kulturhaus Insel Berlin
(Alt-Treptow 6, 12345 Berlin, S-Bhf. Treptower Park + S-Bhf. Plänterwald)
KATE CLOVER is a songwriter and musician from Los Angeles, California. From the local lineage of bands like X, Germs, and The Gun Club, to the glamorous destitution of the downtown streets, Clover is inspired by the city that raised her, exploring the intricacies of self-discovery, self-creation, and self-preservation in the place where dreams are born to die. With the live-wire energy and crackling force of defiant fists raised in the air, Clover’s music is the rallying cry of a natural born killer. Clover cuts an electric figure–a next-gen underground hero for the would-be believers.
With Patti Smith and Iggy Pop as her artistic North Stars, Clover mastered three chords and defected to art school, where she learned to play “Chinese Rocks” by Johnny Thunders and wrote her first song. She cut her teeth playing in various projects but was determined to go solo, seeking independence and total control.
In 2019 she parted ways with her former bands and was in search of a new start. In need of self-discovery and an escape from her life in America, she headed to Mexico City to write. A four-day trip turned into four months, as Clover decided to stay and record her album. Upon her return to the US, she assembled a band and quickly carved out a space for herself in the LA scene. Earning a rep for explosive live shows, Clover spent 2019 hitting the road with Death Valley Girls, Crocodiles and King Dude.
After independently releasing her first single that same year, Clover’s next offering was an EP titled “Channel Zero” mixed by Grammy award winning producer, Carlos de la Garza (Cherry Glazerr, Bleached, Paramore, Wolf Alice), followed by her debut album „Bleed Your heart Out“, released spring of 2022. Clover set out on her first European tour in the fall of 2022 with many Sold out dates throughout. Upon her return she was handpicked to open for Social Distortion.
2023 has seen her become a rising star in the punk underground scene and gain a reputation as an explosive live performer. Even catching the attention of The Hives who had her as support for their North American US tour. That same year, Clover also supported Fucked Up and Superchunk on select dates.
2024 has her set to release her sophomore record, „The Apocalypse Dream“, due out April 5th. Produced by Jonah Falco (Fucked up, Chubby and the Gang, The Chisel) and co-written by Brandon Welchez (Crocodiles) and mixed by Carlos de la Garza. Followed by a Full North American US tour, European tour as well as a performance at Punk Rock Bowling.
Growing up within the fringe cultures of skating and surfing, Clover has always been attracted to the otherness of west coast counter-culture — the gritty innocence of the saintly barbarians and dissatisfied kids around her. But it was her brother’s copy of photographer Glen E. Friedman’s book ‘Fuck You Heroes’, where Clover first saw herself, reflected in the energy and intensity of his punk-rock images. “I didn’t know what any of it meant yet,” she explains. “I was attracted to the rebellion I felt I shared with the subjects of his work. I connected to the bravery.”
Within those photos, Clover’s nascent unrest found a cause to cling to. Weekends at the beach turned to weekends going to shows. “I would go home in a cab smiling, covered in sweat, spit, and beer. I found where I belonged.” Determined to enter the fraternity of the artist, she submerged herself in the salvation of rock ‘n’ roll.
THE SPREES sind der seltene Fall einer Berliner Online-Bekanntschaft, die zu mehr geführt hat als zu einem One-Night-Stand oder einer flüchtigen Affäre: Die vier Gründungsmitglieder fanden 2022 über ihre Soundcloud-Profile zusammen. Die Musiker*innen aus England, Deutschland, Chile und den USA kombinieren in ihrem Sound den Indie-Vibe der frühen Nullerjahre mit dem Geist des New Yorker Punk, funkigen Beats der Siebziger und dem elektrischen Lebensgefühl des heutigen Berlins.
The Sprees versprechen exzessiven Spaß, ohne die destruktiven Rock’n’Roll-Klischees überzustrapazieren. Die Gitarristen Christopher Reynolds und Phil Farrow teilen sich Songwriting und Vocals im Stil der Beatles und würzen sie mit der rohen Unverblümtheit der Libertines. Zu ihren eingängigen Gitarrenriffs und dem runden Soundteppich von Bassist Robert Stephan und Drummer Pablo Monardes singen sie über ihre inneren Dämonen, Realitätsflucht sowie die Verführungen und Illusionen des digitalen Zeitalters, ohne dabei ihre verspielte Leichtigkeit einzubüßen. Seit Ende 2023 bringt Keyboarderin und Sängerin Olivia Popp elektronische Klänge und eine neue Stimmfarbe in die Band.
Für die ersten kleineren Erfolge musste nicht viel Wasser die Spree herabfließen: Bereits in ihrem ersten Jahr waren The Sprees in etablierten Berliner Clubs zu sehen und spielten Support-Gigs für internationale Künstler*innen. Im April 2023 erschien ihre erste Single „Real Overload“, am 12. August veröffentlichen sie ihre EP „Applaud The Jest“. Es liegt noch einiges an Weg vor ihrem großen Ziel, große Clubs auszuverkaufen und Idole wie die Pixies zu supporten – aber sie sind entschlossen, die lange Distanz zu gehen.