Kürzlich erschien Young Lovers – die Debüt-EP der englischen Indierock-Band WHITECLIFF aus Liverpool. Exklusiv für Popmonitor haben Sänger OLLI NAGY, Drummer TOM TAYLOR, Gitarrist JONNY BALL und Bassist PAUL BATES ihre drei Songs kommentiert…
It was one of those songs we managed to write really quickly. We finished the main parts and the melody whilst we were jamming in between a pre-production session for our debut UK single release. The lyrics are basically about you realising that you are still attached to your ex and you are trying everything to get back together. Even though lyrically the song is not obviously uplifting, musically it somehow is – especially in the choruses. We love playing this one live. It has a great energy to it and because of that we decided it should be the leadoff single from our debut EP.
This one is probably our favourite song to start our live sets with. It has such a cool vibe to it. Also, the vocally overlapping chorus is fun ‘cause Jonny can finally show off his vocal skills. Lyrically, it’s about confusion. It’s about those confusing relationships we can all have.
We wrote this song a while ago, actually just shortly after we decided to form a band. Lyrically, it’s a very personal song for one of us and it slowly but gradually became a fan favourite. We decided to put it on the EP after Ken Nelson our producer listened to our acoustic version in the studio whilst we were already recording the EP. It was one of those follow your gut instinct moments. We decided to record the track with a little twist to it to make it less acoustic and more earthy.
Young Lovers
(25 Hour Convenience Store)
VÖ: 30.10.2015