Mit Beginning, Ending, Pretending ist JOHN DUNK alias JUNK SON ein enigmatisches Debütalbum zwischen Indiepop und zarten Electronica gelungen. Genau so spannend finden wir das begleitende Artwork von Designer DAVY EVANS. Der kommentiert den Entstehungsprozess folgendermaßen:
We wanted the artwork to have recognisable qualities and a connection to nature, but at the same time be something very alien and abstract. This idea was originally inspired by Infrared landscape photography. So we focused on using carefully selected colour pallets, organic forms such as rocks and minerals, and used analogue distortion techniques to add digital elements. Another initial inspiration was Johns lino print image he had used for his EP, so it felt right to bring focus to that on the album cover, as that’s where the whole artwork process began.
Dunk fügt ergänzend hinzu:
The album cover was inspired by the lino print used on my first EP, designed and produced by Ben Hall. The original image is of a trig point, which is a sort of man-made point of reference found on hills in the Lake District. To me their most sublime aspect is how out of place they appear among their surroundings. I find them an iconic reminder of my childhood.
Beginning, Ending, Pretending
(37 Adventures / [PIAS] Cooperative / Rough Trade)
VÖ: 04.11.2016