Oasis – D’You Know What I Mean? – Remix & neues Video


Im Vorfeld der Neuauflage des dritten OASIS-Albums Be Here Now als Chasing The Sun-Edition am 7. Oktober veröffentlicht Big Brother Recordings eine neue Version der seinerzeit ersten Album-Single „D’You Know What I Mean?“ und hat dafür auch das epische Video überarbeiten lassen. Die Regisseure DOM & NIC dazu:

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring the quality of the original video up to today’s high definition standards, and also to look at the film again with fresh eyes and see what we could improve. Back in those heady days we shot the video on beautiful looking 35mm film, then the height of movie making technology, just like it was a feature film. Shooting like that today would be unthinkable for a music video of this scale, film simply costs too much compared with digital cameras for all but the most extravagant projects. We also had the help of The British Army who cleverly saw it as the perfect recruitment drive, though questions were later asked in the House of Commons concerning the British taxpayers helping Oasis make music videos! We were also shooting at the location where Stanley Kubrick made the movie ‘Full Metal Jacket’ complete with bombed out buildings which was private land so we could do whatever we wanted, despite the police and London City Airport threatening to shut us down at any moment.

Das neue Video könnt ihr euch hier ansehen.

Die Chasing The Sun-Edition von Be Here Now wird unter anderem als Super Deluxe Box Set veröffentlicht, in dem sich unter anderem die Special Edition 3CD, ein Hardback-Bildband mit neuen Begleittexten sowie Merchandise befinden. Highlight der Neuauflage sind die bislang unveröffentlichten Mustique-Demos zum Album.

Be Here Now – Chasing The Sun-Edition
(Big Brother Recordings)
VÖ: 07.10.2016
