Heute erscheint das neue Album der Indietronic-Formation POLIÇA. Begleitet wird es von einer provokanten Bleistift-Zeichnung auf dem Cover. Wir haben Sängerin CHANNY LEANEAGH um ein exklusives Statement gebeten. Sie sagt:
I wanted to pay homage to the „Lonely Doll“ books in a slight way and have a pencil drawing cover. I’ve had enough if neons and computer formed graphics. I’ve been a fan of Francis Waites‘ artwork for a few years. I wanted to work with her or include her in this record because her images had seeped into my collective creative inspiration.
Designer Jake Luck ergänzt:
The drawings of Francis Waites’ are deeply personal and introspective. The challenge was to creative an environment for this specific illustration to live in without overwhelming it with the loud visual noise that computers are so good at. Gingham is tactile, graphic, and in some ways manipulative. It reminds us of something that we can’t quite recall – a world jarringly juxtaposed to one of drum triggers and synthesizers. This overlap is the space Poliça exists in and, hopefully, the design reflects that.
When We Stay Alive
(Memphis Industries)
VÖ: 31.01.2020